Thursday, November 25, 2010

[CNR Notice] Solo Album Showcase and Fan Meeting Ticket Refund

 Dear Overseas Fans,

Due to the postponement of Park Jung-Min’s Fan Meeting on Nov. 27th, some overseas fans have been inquiring for tickets refund. Here is some information for you:

For those who wire transferred money – your ticket refund will be wire transferred back to the same account.

For those who use credit card or mobile phone transactions – CNR MEDIA will call you
directly to make sure that you are the transaction possessor. After we confirm that you
possessed the transaction, we will inform the ticketing system operator (Interpark) to cancel
your transaction. Please be noticed that it could take up to 10 days.

Once again, we are very sorry for causing the inconvenience. We would like to compensate
your loss with a special gift from Jung Min. Next time when you come to Jung Min’s Fan
Meeting Showcase, you will receive a calendar with Jung Min’s signature on it.
Thank you very much for your support and love for Jung Min. We look forward to seeing
you all in the near future.

Original Notice


SS501 정민 소속사 CNR 미디어 입니다.

1127 정민 1st Single Album 발매기념 쇼케이스 & 팬미팅이 불가피한 상황으로 인하여 연기되어 예매하신 팬분들에게 환불조치를 취하도록 결정하였습니다.

방법은 다음과 같습니다.

1. 무통장 입금 예매자: 티켓 예매한 본명으로 은행 계좌번호 확인 송금
2. 신용카드, 휴대폰 결제: 본인 확인 취소 승인
3. 해외 예매자: CNR 미디어에서 직접 연락을 취할 예정
4. 모든 경우는 취소 수수료 없이 전액 환불 조치
5. 모든 예매자에게 1:1 전화통화 확인 취소 조치
6. 국내 예매자의 경우 에넥스텔레콤에서 직접 연락이 예정
(현재 국내의 경우 보이스피싱의 피해를 우려하여 확실하게 본인 확인 취소 조치를 취할 예정입니다.)

이와 관련하여 이미 예매하여 취소 환불 조치한 팬분들에게는 추후 다시 열리게 박정민음반발매 쇼케이스 & 팬미팅에 정민군이 직접 친필싸인한 2011년형 탁상용 달력을 선물 예정이니 여러분들이 너그러운 마음을 가지고 이해해 주시기를 부탁드립니다.

또한 부분에 있어서는 현재 예매 취소 조치가 팬분들에게 한하며, 본인 확인을 거쳐 증정할 예정입니다.
앨범발매를 비롯 쇼케이스&팬미팅 날짜가 정해지는대로 알려드리도록 하겠습니다.


各位親愛的海外粉絲大家好,我們是朴政珉的經紀公司-CNR MEDIA.

本次預計於27行的FAN MEETING SHOWCASE,由於南韓國內局勢緊張而暫時延期.由於資料顯示有部海外粉絲透過韓國INTERPARK售票系統訂票,我們在這裡各位宣佈退票程序.

·直接透過銀行匯款的粉絲 退款會直接匯入當初匯款的銀行帳號.
·利用信用卡以及手機轉帳的粉絲 - CNR MEDIA會直接與通話,確定訂票者為您本人之後.我們會告知INTERPARK售票系統為您取消訂票並退還票款.(約需10個工作天)

由於這次的延期,造成各位粉絲的期待落空,本公司深感遺憾!了表達本公司的歉意,我們會在下一次的見面會上準備政珉親筆簽名的2011上型月曆,送給因這次訂票取消而失望的粉絲們.還請各位粉絲多多包容,繼續支持政珉.讓我們一起他的COME BACK加油!!. (:下次的見面會上,了確定您為本次取消訂票的粉絲之一,現場工作人員會請出示證明文件,到時還請各位配合)


Dear Overseas Fans,

Due to the postponement of Park Jung-Min’s Fan Meeting on Nov. 27th, some overseas fans have been inquiring for tickets refund. Here is some information for you:

For those who wire transferred money – your ticket refund will be wire transferred back to the same account.

For those who use credit card or mobile phone transactions – CNR MEDIA will call you
directly to make sure that you are the transaction possessor. After we confirm that you
possessed the transaction, we will inform the ticketing system operator (Interpark) to cancel
your transaction. Please be noticed that it could take up to 10 days.

Once again, we are very sorry for causing the inconvenience. We would like to compensate
your loss with a special gift from Jung Min. Next time when you come to Jung Min’s Fan
Meeting Showcase, you will receive a calendar with Jung Min’s signature on it.
Thank you very much for your support and love for Jung Min. We look forward to seeing
you all in the near future.

ファンの皆様、こんにちは。CNR MEDIAからのお知らせです。

     クレジットカードおよび携帯電話で決済した場合は、CNR MEDIAは直接本人に連絡を取り、確認してから、INTERPARKに告知して、チケットの予約を取り消すこと&返金致します(およそ10日間を必要とする、どうかご了承ください)




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